⭐ Popular mod! More than 420 downloads this week! ⭐
Aspertsham [0.33] by AussiePanda is compatible with BeamNG 0.33. Aspertscham is located in Upper Bavaria (80 km from Munich) and is 3.6 km long with very narrow roads. The layout is more or less a classic triangular scheme with three slow turns connected by straight lines and some bends.",. Mod has a rating of 4.4 stars with 4 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 218 MB in size.
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⭐ Popular mod! More than 140 downloads this week! ⭐
Dangerous Roads 2 [0.33] by Spencer Johnson is compatible with BeamNG 0.33. This map is inspired by the snow-covered gorm mountains that you can travel through. The route is quite long and very dangerous. Mod has a rating of 4.5 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. The total downloadable file is 537 MB in size.
💡 Others also downloaded: Whsd Map – Saint..., Mercedes-Benz AMG V8 C63S..., Dubai Sheikh Zayed Road....
⭐ Popular mod! More than 330 downloads this week! ⭐
Whsd Map – Saint Petersburg [0.33] by Sherman is compatible with BeamNG 0.33. The Western High-Speed Diameter is a toll highway passing through the city of St. Petersburg (Russia). The length of the highway is ~47 km (29 miles). Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. The total downloadable file is 643 MB in size.
💡 Others also downloaded: Dodge Charger Chives /..., Dodge Ram 1500 [0.33], Lexus LFA Revamped [0.33].
⭐ Popular mod! More than 160 downloads this week! ⭐
Texas, USA V1.2.01 [0.33] by themanhacc is compatible with BeamNG 0.33, 0.32. This is a map that takes place on farmland and in the forests of Texas. Map Features: Size: 4096x4096m. Mod has a rating of 4.5 stars with 11 votes.
We host 2 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 952 MB in size.
💡 Others also downloaded: Whsd Map – Saint..., Chevrolet Corvette C8 V2.0..., Winter Drift [0.33].
Fairhaven [0.31] by Car_Killer is compatible with BeamNG 0.31. A port of the "Fairhaven" map from the Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 game. Fairhaven is a 72-square-kilometer map that shows business districts, the interstate loop, construction sites, residential and commercial areas, and more. Mod has a rating of 4.6 stars with 37 votes.
💡 Others also downloaded: Texas, USA V1.2.01 [0.33], Alpine OHV Trails –..., Porsche 911 (992) [0.33].