Get the best ETS2 fmod mods and explore the endless possibilities for your game. Download all your favorite Euro Truck Simulator 2 fmod mods in a free, easy-to-use website. We know what you want and we're going to give it to you!

ETS2 TruckersMP Sound Mod: Egyptian GPS Voice in Egyptian Dialect 1.1 1.53 (Featured)

Egyptian GPS Voice in Egyptian Dialect 1.1 [1.53]

Egyptian GPS Voice in Egyptian Dialect 1.1 [1.53] by Abdo Ibn Egypt is compatible with ETS2 1.53. Experience an Egyptian Dialect GPS Voice by Abdo Ibn Egypt Works in Single Player Offline and TruckersMP Online with easy setup Full installation guide available in the video 1 Download the file from the original link 2 Extract it and. Mod has a rating of 4.9 stars with 4 votes.

ETS2 FMOD Mod: Scania DS11 Engine Sound 1.53 (Featured)

Scania DS11 Engine Sound [1.53]

Scania DS11 Engine Sound [1.53] by SkyHusky is compatible with ETS2 1.53. Scania DS11 engine sound for Scania 1-Series by Antonio62. Features: Scania DS11 sound for Scania 1-Series by Antonio62. Improved with sound attenuation and cabin noise sounds. Mod has a rating of 4.3 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 2 MB in size.

ETS2 Mercedes-Benz Bus Mod: Mb-New Trvaego 16 SHD – 1.43 (Featured)

Mb-New Trvaego 16 SHD – [1.43]

Mb-New Trvaego 16 SHD – [1.43] by oyuncuyusbis is compatible with ETS2 1.43. Mod Version : 1.43xWho contributedModel: jekich1 – Mahyar Ghasemi (interior) – Arda SağlamModel Editing and Streaming: Artin KazanciyanFMOD Audio: Kriechbaum – Max2712 – Freelance – Amin BabaeiCompany Coatings: Bey Bedros – Abdullah Zengin – Burak Bıkmaz – Hasan ÇekdarHigh quality. Mod has a rating of 1.0 stars with 1 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 300 MB in size.

ETS2 Ford Car Mod: Focus MK3 V3.6 1.53 (Featured)

Ford Focus MK3 V3.6 [1.53]

Popular mod! More than 190 downloads this week! ⭐
Ford Focus MK3 V3.6 [1.53] by Berat Afsin is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52, 1.51. Features: Unique engine sound [FMOD] – [Gasoline (ABARTI) – Diesel] 2 Cabin Options [Hatcback – Sedan] Sunroof Option. Glass Animation. Running Animations. Front Bumper Attachment and Bumper Options. Mod has a rating of 4.3 stars with 13 votes.
We host 7 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 1 GB in size.

11.1K  Download
ETS2 Mercedes-Benz Bus Mod: Mercedes Benz Travego 15SHD V2 1.47 (Featured)

Mercedes Benz Travego 15SHD V2 [1.47]

Mercedes Benz Travego 15SHD V2 [1.47] by Armağan Keçiyokuşu is compatible with ETS2 1.47. Who contributed Model: jekich1 – Mahyar Ghasemi (interior) – Arda Sağlam Model Editing and Streaming: Artin Kazanciyan FMOD Audio: Kriechbaum – Max2712 – Freelance – Amin Babaei Company Coatings: Bey Bedros – Abdullah Zengin – Burak Bıkmaz – Hasan Çekdar. Mod has a rating of 4.4 stars with 7 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 147 MB in size.

3.4K  Download
ETS2 Setra Bus Mod: 516HD 1.47 (Featured)

Setra 516HD [1.47]

Setra 516HD [1.47] by Armağan Keçiyokuşu is compatible with ETS2 1.47. Who contributed; Model: jekich1 – Mahyar Ghasemi – Umut Can Model Editing and Streaming: Detbit 1.47 Fix And Edit: Armagan Goat Owl FMOD Audio: Max2712 – Amin Babaei Company Coatings: Yasin Ege Kara – Abdullah Zengin – Burak Bıkmaz –. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 237 MB in size.

2.9K Play YouTube Video Download
ETS2 FMOD Bus Mod: İrizar İ8 İntegral 1.47 (Featured)

İrizar İ8 İntegral [1.47]

İrizar İ8 İntegral [1.47] by OyuncuyusbisMods is compatible with ETS2 1.47. Project Owner: OyunyusBisMods Model: jekich Transcribed by converted: Artin Kazancıyan Fmod Audio : EVR – Freelance – Kriechbaum Skinpack : Beybedros – Burak Bıkmaz – Abdullah Zengin 2 engine sounds 2 repeater voices reversing camera 10 firm skins High model. Mod has a rating of 4.2 stars with 6 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 204 MB in size.

2.8K Play YouTube Video Download
ETS2 FMOD Mod: Real AI Motorcycles Sounds (Addon To Motorcycles Traffic Pack By Jazzycat V6.0) (Featured)

Real AI Motorcycles Sounds (Addon To Motorcycles Traffic Pack By Jazzycat V6.0)

Real AI Motorcycles Sounds (Addon To Motorcycles Traffic Pack By Jazzycat V6.0) by Jazzycat, Cipus is compatible with ETS2 1.47. Personalized FMOD sounds including engine, engine brake and idle sounds for all Jazzycat motorcycles + partially personalized horn sounds For Motorcycle Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v6.0.* (ETS2 and ATS 1.46 / 1.47) ………………………………. Mod has a rating of 4.5 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 35 MB in size.