ETS2 1.52 Russia Mods

Get the best ETS2 russia mods and explore the endless possibilities for your game. Download all your favorite Euro Truck Simulator 2 russia mods in a free, easy-to-use website. We know what you want and we're going to give it to you!

ETS2 RusMap Mod: Srmap FIX V1.2 1.53 (Featured)

Srmap FIX V1.2 [1.53]

Popular mod! More than 220 downloads this week! ⭐
Srmap FIX V1.2 [1.53] by Jerry GMC Master Fixer is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52. Changelog 1.2 Updated to fix more errors Description: Fixes a bunch of errors i.e. old prefab descriptors, old attributes, sign conflicts etc. Mod has a rating of 4.6 stars with 13 votes.
We host 4 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 12 MB in size.

2.3K  Download
ETS2 Russia Map Mod: Trans Siberian Truckway V1.6 1.53 (Featured)

Trans Siberian Truckway V1.6 [1.53]

Popular mod! More than 510 downloads this week! ⭐
Trans Siberian Truckway V1.6 [1.53] by kwigdulah is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52, 1.51. Changelog 1.6 Added the cities of Tommot, Ulu, Nizhnii Bestyakh, Churapcha, Khandyga, Ust-Nera, Artyk Added a RC to Off the Grid Description Map of Russia (Siberia and the Far East) from Omsk Oblast to Vladivostok through Lake Baikal, Amur river. Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 37 votes.
We host 10 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 2 GB in size.

24.3K Play YouTube Video Download
ETS2 Russia Mod: More Russia Map V3.5.2.5 1.53 (Featured)

More Russia Map V3.5.2.5 [1.53]

Popular mod! More than 320 downloads this week! ⭐
More Russia Map V3.5.2.5 [1.53] by Miha is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52. Version Added new NNMap Road Connection. Description The map adds part of the M5 Ural highway to the game, in particular the territory of the Ryazan and Moscow region The highway starts at the crossing of the Moscow Ring. Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 44 votes.
We host 6 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 59 MB in size.

8.4K  Download
ETS2 Russia Map Mod: n Isles V1.3 (Featured)

Russian Isles V1.3

Popular mod! More than 170 downloads this week! ⭐
Russian Isles V1.3 by hi sora is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52, 1.51. Discover far destinations in Russia with this mod In the future i might add some other Isles. Compatibility update for ETS2 1.53. Mod has a rating of 4.9 stars with 17 votes.
We host 4 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 460 KB in size.

3.8K  Download
ETS2 Russia Map Mod: off The Grid Russia V2.3 1.53 (Featured)

off The Grid Russia V2.3 [1.53]

off The Grid Russia V2.3 [1.53] by Kiko is compatible with ETS2 1.53, 1.52, 1.51. Version 2.3 Expansion of Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District. Added the village of Snezhnogorsk. Christmas update event. Christmas decorations can be found in every city in Off the Grid – Russia 2.3. Mod has a rating of 4.6 stars with 14 votes.
We host 6 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 296 MB in size.

10.6K  Download
ETS2 Russia Mod: Mario Map 1.52 (Featured)

Mario Map [1.52]

Mario Map [1.52] by Credits for Abdo_Ibn_Egypt_Mario_map_1_52 Map Creation and UpdatesAbdo Ibn Egypt Games, and others is compatible with ETS2 1.52. The Abdo_Ibn_Egypt Mario Map 1.52 is the ultimate, updated version of the renowned Mario map mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Mod has a rating of 5.0 stars with 3 votes.

1.3K Play YouTube Video Download