Download Money Manager FS25 Busines Mod

FS25 Busines Mod: Money Manager (Featured)
FS25 Busines Mod: Money Manager

The Money Manager script allows the user to make use of the in game notifications system. This allows the user to not only add money to the farm account but also state a reason such as (Added 20,000 to the farm balance, Reason: Snow Removal). This script will send the user a notification which will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen under the HUD. When typing in the console command you must follow this command- type addmoney then the amount and a reason afterwards. Here is an example addmoney 10,000 Harvest Income.

FS25 Money Manager

Author: Thatguy27

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How to install this mod (Full installation guide)

  1. Download the mod (ModsHost download guide).
  2. Find the mods folder on your computer
    • Windows – /Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods
    • Mac OS – /Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2025/mods
  3. Copy the downloaded file to your Mods folder
  4. Launch the game and enjoy your mod!

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Download mod (13 KB) Safe to download: Check 

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