FS25 Miscellaneou Mods - Page 5 of 34

Discover a variety of Miscellaneous mods for FS25 that introduce unique features and improvements to your gameplay. This category includes everything from new equipment and tools to quirky additions that don’t fit into standard categories. Spice up your farming experience with fun and useful mods created by the community!

FS25 Mod: Autodrive US Flatlands Map 4X (Featured)

Autodrive US Flatlands Map 4X

Autodrive US Flatlands Map 4X by Gerhard for FS25. US Flatlands Map 4x Installed With AD According To My Ideas! Map version 3.0.0 I have collected the courses for myself and have made them available for download here. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 293 KB in size.

FS25 Mod: Design KIT V1.0.0.7 (Featured)

Design KIT V1.0.0.7

Design KIT V1.0.0.7 by ThundRFS for FS25. Version This little addon extends the design options, currently for placeables. By default, placeables only have one color configuration and design configurations are handled through the solar panel configuration. Mod has a rating of 4.4 stars with 4 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 115 KB in size.

FS25 Mod: Oxbo up Pack V1.1 (Featured)

Oxbo up Pack V1.1

Oxbo up Pack V1.1 by nono85250, GIANTS Software for FS25. I modified the basic oxbo pack by adding new capacity and new engine configuration, plus the self-propelled one which now takes fertilizer and lime AT5105 UP Working speed 25km/h New engine configuration at 750hp and 62km/h road speed New capacity. Mod has a rating of 4.6 stars with 4 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 64 MB in size.

FS25 Mod: Dynamic Lowering (Featured)

Dynamic Lowering

Dynamic Lowering by SMI Modding Team for FS25. This mod allows the implements with which it is associated a dynamic lowering into the soil once lowered in the work phase. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 79 KB in size.

FS25 Mod: Placeable Crossings (Featured)

Placeable Crossings

Placeable Crossings by Williwillswisse for FS25. With this mod you can build a finished AD intersection on the map. In the construction menu under Decorations – Other you will find four intersections with track widths of 3m, 4m, 5m and 6m. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 331 KB in size.

FS25 Mod: Mod Pack 6 by Stevie (Featured)

Mod Pack 6 by Stevie

Mod Pack 6 by Stevie by Stevie for FS25. FS25 Mod Pack 6 Edited By Stevie. Here’s a selection of mods featured in the video for Farming Simulator 25. The pack also includes updates and fixes to mods previously released. Mod has a rating of 4.5 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 283 MB in size.

FS25 Script Mod: Realistic Refueling (Featured)

Realistic Refueling

Realistic Refueling by D90023 for FS25. This mod slows down gas stations to a flow rate of 135 liters or 35.66 gallons per minute. This is an average value for truck fuel dispensers in Germany. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 4 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 80 KB in size.

FS25 Mod: South Dakota License Plate (Featured)

South Dakota License Plate

South Dakota License Plate by MALICEonPC for FS25. South Dakota license plates for Riverbend Springs. Credit to Warthog Mods for the base mod to work with. Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 302 KB in size.