Changelog:Version 1.7: Added an option to change which weather is allowed and which isnt in the UI menu, for example, If ThunderStormAllowed is set to False in the .ini, the program will not choose ThunderStorm weather even if ThunderStormProbability is high.Also made an option to change weather in the UI menu.
Version 1.6: The script got some big changes, a custom menu with changes in real time was added, the weather now transitions, instead of changing instantly, .ini was changed to be more readable and you can also customize the keys for opening the menu, the script now has .log files(DynamicWeather.log).
Version 1.5: Changed WeatherConfig.ini to make it more understandable and readable. Added halloween props around main character’s safehouses, they can be spawned in october system time, or all year, configurable in WeatherConfig.ini (Default values – Duringhalloween = true, all year = false)
Version 1.4.1: Changed config.ini to WeatherConfig.ini to make the script compatible with other scripts
Version 1.4:Added an option inside config.ini to disable/enable phone notifications(Default value – true)
Version 1.3: Changed the notifications to look like weather forecasts, instead of showing above your minimap, it comes like a message to your phone.Also added an option to check how much time left till the next weather change(KeyCheckTimer in Config, Default key = NumPad1), and to change the weather immediately(KeyChangeWeather in config, Default key = NumPad3)
Version 1.2: Added additional config options, such as FestivePropsDuringXmas(default value true) and FestivePropsAllYear(default value – false).When festive props are enabled, it basically spawns every single prop from nkjellman’s Festive Surprise In SP script( I basically totally changed his code, and the only things i used from him were props locations, and which props to spawn.
Version 1.1: Added config options to change the probability of weathers,the interval between weather changes(default value: 10minutes)increase the value of a weather probability number to increase the probability of it happening in config.ini