Download Forever Together V1.3.1 Grand Theft Auto V Script Mod

GTA 5 Script Mod: Forever Together V1.3.1 (Featured)
GTA 5 Script Mod: Forever Together V1.3.1

You can now have a “Partner”, “Companion”, “Buddy”, “Friend” or whatever you want to call it that act more natural and alive!
You can choose the look of your partner when in “Choosing Partner Mode” and going close to the Ped you want. If you choose a new Ped the data of the old one will be erased!
A contact will be added to your phone with the name you choose (default: Partner). You can use it anytime you want to open the menu. Alternatively if the Partner is close enough you can always HOLD D-Pad Right on controller or E on keyboard.
The Partner will try to use the same weapon type as yours and if you are close with a vehicle and Honk when he/she is in combat he/she will try to enter it.

  • You can rename your Partner and change his/her voice as you please
  • The Partner will have his/her own money earned each time the player earns something (default 50% but can be changed in the config file in the Patron version), and will use them to buy weapons and vehicles.
  • Relationship system: higher is the bond higher are the chances he/she will come to you to meet and do things you ask for…
  • Possibility to talk and chat having positive or negative effects on the relationship level.
  • 3 different personalities that affect some behaviours (driving style, chatting, heavy weapons… )
  • Random preferred melee weapon and random weapons for each class after the partner has the money to buy them. More money = more advanced weapon.
  • Random vehicle bought after a certain amount of money is earned, The partner will use his/her own vehicle or come with you (there is an option in the menu). More money = more expensive vehicle.
  • Random “Likes” and “Dislikes” (the second Like will unlock after reaching a certain level of relationship) If you have my mod “Roleplay Menu” there will be plenty of activity more (like dancing, smoking and so on…)
  • You can ask the Partner to change seat when in the same vehicle, to wait on a desired spot (stay put no matter what or take action in case something happens) to drive or pilot for you (cars, bikes, boats, helicopters… can even take off and pilot airplanes), attack a target of your choice…

Relationship System:
Relationship Can Be Increased By:

  • Talking and responding to the Partner.
  • Doing together things the Partner likes. You can start doing those activities (drinking beer, driving/piloting around, dancing…) or you can join him/her whenever the partner starts doing those.

Relationship Can Be Decreased By:

  • Talking to the Partner.
  • Doing things the Partner dislikes.
  • Leaving him/her waiting for too long.
  • Asking or commanding to do something the Partner doesn’t want to do. (If relationship is low there are small chances he/she will do it. Opposite when the relationship is very strong)

Gameplay Video with most of the features explained


  • Which button has to be HOLD (not just pressed) to open the menu when the Partner is close enough.

In the Patron version you have some additional ones like Partner maximum health, cooldown after the Partner has been dismissed and Percent of what the player earns that goes into the Partner pockets.

Recommended Mods (optional):

  • Roleplay Menu (highly recommended! Adds several activities as likes and dislikes)

Check out The Boss if you want that sweet feeling of being in charge! (Gameplay video here!)

ATTENTION! If you plan to use “LS Life” along with my mods there will be high chances of conflicts and errors (that’s because LS Life changes a lot of Peds and other things around indiscriminately)

Requirements And How To Install:

Script Hook V

Put these files in your GTAV scripts folder:

Known Issues:
Some voices are missing some lines, you can change the voice anyway to one more “complete”.
Can happen that the Partner will be stucked.
The money earned by the Partner are sometimes messed up. It will be fixed in the next update.
“Freemode” models won’t save properly (due to the lack of some native functions).

Author: Dealien

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