Changelog:- Added zombie mode and a new survival location “Cemetery Survival”
- Reduced number of enemies in survivals
- Updated logic to spawn special enemies
Version 9.1
Added color to armor and health pickup blips
Character wheel is disabled while a survival is active
Subtitle changes to “Kill remaining enemy” when there’s only one enemy left
Added new survival: Maibatsu Motors Survival
Version 9.0.0
Added teleport markers for Bunker Survival and Nuclear Silo Survival (requires MP maps enabled)
Teleport markers can be disabled in the config.json file
Pickups no longer float, now they’re placed on the ground
Trigger peds for both Cayo Perico survivals, Bunker Survival and Nuclear Silo Survival are now aggressive towards the player and will shoot on sight
Trigger Ped relationship with the player can be modified in the TriggerPeds.json file
When the player presses a control to start a different survival mode, the survival is no longer automatically started, instead, the selected mode is saved and will be applied when the player kills the trigger ped.
Version 8.2.0
Replaced the kill count with a progress bar
New survival: Bunker Survival
New survival: Nuclear Silo Survival
Version 8.1.0
Fixed the survival trigger peds spawning in the air and staying there for a few seconds before going down to the ground. Now they are placed on the ground immediately.
Added the “Wave survived”, “Survival Passed” and “Wave reached” scaleforms used in the actual GTA Online Survivals.
Changed the spawn points in the Construction Site Survival.
Version 8.0.0
Added two new survivals: Cargo Survival and Vanilla Unicorn Survival
Added new special enemy: Suicide Bomber
Now survivals can be customized to have enemy boats. So far, this is only used in the Cargo Survival.
Added two new config flags to the survival files: “bombers” and “boats”
Changed the music implementation. Now the intensity increases depending on how many enemies have spawned instead of slowly increasing in each wave.
Added screen effects on wave passed and survival passed.
Suicide Bomber
Starts spawning at wave 5. This enemy will start moving towards the player until they’re within 2 meters from the player, then it will blow themselves up. If this enemy is killed with a headshot it will blow up instantly, otherwise, it will blow up after 3 seconds of dying.
Version 3.1.1
Changed the Juggernaut model. Now instead of the cyborg Juggernaut, the GTA Online Juggernaut spawns. There’s also especial Juggernaut models for the Xmas survival and the Halloween survival
Changed the ped models in the Xmas Survival, now you can kill characters like Frosty, Santa, Rudolph, etc.
Added help text that shows the current wave and how many enemies are left for the current wave
Moved spawnpoint in the xmas survival that would make some cars spawn under the bridge
Version 3.1.0
Added a new survival: Police station survival
Removed Jesus Christ from the construction site survival. He wasn’t supposed to be there xd
Reworked the timed survival mode. Read the Timed Mode section for more information
Version 3.0.0
Added two new survivals: Rancho Survival and Xmas Survival
Added two new special enemies, Rottweiler and Jesus Christ
Fixed bad implementation of survival music, now the intensity of the music will increase every wave, like it was supposed to
Added new survival mode, timed survival
Fixed survival trigger peds scenarios not starting, now they will be seen performing their assigned animations instead of just standing like statues
Fixed game reload bug (i think)
Added new control key that reloads the survival trigger peds on press. By default it’s F7. This is useful because it will load any survival trigger peds added to the SurvivalData.json file without having to reload the game
Version 2.1.0
Added new survival, Halloween Survival
Fixed helicopter shooters not shooting at the player until the player shot first. Now they shoot on sight, like they were supposed to.
If the player gets stuck while trying to start a survival, the enemy ped that triggers the mission will automatically die after 10 seconds, freeing the player.
Version 2.0.1
Built with another set of tools, so it will probably work for you now if it didn’t before
Added chance to get enemies firing in full auto mode instead of burst fire like they usually do. The chance increases every wave
Juggernaut always fires in full auto mode. So be careful or you will be turned into cheese
Reduced asi file size by more than 80% and removed unnecessary code
Version 2.0.0
Remade the script using the ScriptHookV SDK instead of ScriptHookVDotNet. This is now an ASI script
Added modifiable file SurvivalsData.json check SurvialsData.json section for more info
Fixed business battle music not playing high intensity beat in the higher waves
Added more music, this time from the bikers update
Added two new survivals, Sawmill Survival and Industrial Zone Survival
Changed controls mapping. Check SurvivalsMod.json for more info
Changed ped models in Del Perro Survival
Enemy peds now start with weak weapons and their firepower increases as the survival goes on
Pickups not spawning in some waves fixed
Changed enemy’s accuracy
Added Juggernaut enemy that starts spawning at wave 8. Only spawns once per wave
Version 1.2.1
The player can no longer enter vehicles while a survival is active
Changes In The Background Music, Now The Script Plays Actual Music From GTAO Survivals And GTAO Business Battles
Changed vehicle models for each survival
Changed pickup locations
Changed a ped model in groove street survival
Now when the player completes, quits or fails a survival, the player must wait 5 minutes to play that same survival again
Reduced intermission time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
Some other changes in the code you don’t really care about
Version 1.2.0
Changed vehicle spawnpoints in Del Perro survival
Added new survivals Junkyard survival and Maze Bank Tower survival
Changed the transparency of the survival area marker
Version 1.1.0
Fixed script crash after completing the construction site survival
Set survival start locations blip to short range so they are not annoying in the minimap
Added new survival: Groove Street survival