Hire a fleet of fully armed bodyguards around Michael’s and Franklin’s safehouse. Completely decked out in their suits and special carbines, live in peace at your safehouse. These guards actually can protect against enemies that are shooting you and are also friendly to the player (they don’t attack you even when you threaten them). These guards despawn once you leave a certain radius and reload when you go back if they get moved around or whatever
I made this mod just because I felt like Michael’s and Franklin’s homes need a sense of security. And I haven’t tested this with the mission where Devin sends Merrywhether to Michael’s house, I’m pretty sure they will just help you kill the merrywhether.
Simply install by dragging in dropping in “scripts” folder in your GTA V directory. Make one if you don’t have that folder.
Bodyguards are invincible
Armed with Special Carbines
No ragdoll
Only stays in their designated position
Author: jaydenwasd
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