Basically its gang mod, but it was made by me from scratch.
Important: to make gang brawl work as intended, in your gameconfig.xml find “CombatMeleeManager_Groups” and increase the PoolSize value to 30
SHVDN 3.6.0
Installation: extract the archive into your “Scripts” folder.
To join a gang come to a corresponding letter marked on map (in screenshots).
disputed territories;
Disputed Territories:
there are only two territories that can be captured by your or npc gangs – they have “skull with bones” blip. If your territory is being captured, you get a notification.
Settings In Config:
events_interval(milliseconds): time between events player can participate in
ambient_territory_capture_interval(milliseconds): time between territory captures
time_to_arrive_at_attacked_territory(milliseconds): time you have to arrive to the “battlefield” if your territory is being attacked
ambient_driveby_interval(milliseconds): time between npc drivebys occur
Currently there is only one event player can participate in – drive by, more will be added.
This is my first ever script. Report issues you experience in comments or suggest things to add
Author: RUSMarkB
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