I like cheesy action movie and the shootdodge mod is really a great idea. Unfortunately, it’s outdated so I took the initiative to revive it to SHVDN3, then I added some stuff that I think the mod needed for balancing the gameplay, to make it work like skill.
The showcase video available above.
Featuring bullet HUD (texture by Dragononandon at Nexus Mods)
Bullet Meter acts as a limit to add gameplay balance, forces you think strategically
Weapon drains bullet meter differently, Pistols drain slower compared to Rifle
Bullet meter will be filled very slowly to balance gameplay
Killing people will fill the time meter faster, so keep killing!
Sound effects implemented
Bullet meter HUD and Sound can be deactivated inside .ini config
Config for changing time scale and dodging forces
Character will stay prone on the floor in aiming mode on landing unless move keys are pressed
Now you can’t activate it when on fist, melee, and thrown explosives (see Bugs)
How To Install:
Inside the rar there are 3 things: Shootdodge.dll, Shootdodge.ini and the Shootdodge folder. Put all of them to /scripts folder, the usual shvdn script mods, located inside gta main folder
After installation, In-game you can activate Shootdodge with J. You can also change the key and other stuff in the .ini config
ScriptHookVDotNet3, preferably the Nightly Version
The mod still suffers from inconsistent forces like the older one. I’ve tried to minimize it but to no avail. This bug makes flying sometimes very low and short, sometimes normal
The character tends to float upward when starting shootdodge on uneven terrain or surface (stairs/slopes) hence the tightening on height limit before ragdoll. So, please keep away from stairs or slopes when shootdodging and if you ever get stuck try to change your weapon to unarmed
Mistakenly choosing melee weapons in the middle of diving will break animation
Incompatibility: Idk honestly, anything that changes time scale (slow/faster time), any bullet time or slow-mo mod will conflict if activated at the same time. Tested SilverFinish’s KillCam, it works but after Kill Cam, the shootdodging will end too because the time reverted. There’s always a chance to bug if something else modifies the time speed.
Author: mbahdokek
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