Download WE Love VFR – Region 1 V0.1.0B MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod

MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod: WE Love VFR – Region 1 V0.1.0B (Featured)
MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod: WE Love VFR – Region 1 V0.1.0B

Do you like flying VFR and watching the World below you? Do you sometimes feel that something is missing? We Love VFR is here to help you. We Love VFR is a free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator that adds thousands of new VFR-friendly objects. In the first beta version, you get communication, radio, and tv antennas, but I have plans for many, many more.

Over 40 000 objects placed in region 1.
Coverage of the whole Europe and part of Africa.
In the first version mobile communication, tv and radio antennas
Puffin AI* – correct placement and appearance of objects**
21 mast variants
Lower spec PC friendly
Much more planned

How to install?
Find your „Community” directory and just copy a-puf-we-love-vfr-region1 there. That’s it. If you’re updating our addon I recommend removing the old version before installing the new one.

Remember it’s a beta
Don’t be mad if you see any errors, just report them to me so I can fix them. If you see an object that you know but it’s apperance is wrong please wait till 1.0 version. After that I will launch whole manual how to report it to me, or fix it by yourself to make it better for next version.

Why antennas look fuzzy from the distance?
That’s something in the sim graphics engine, that for now can’t be bypassed. Original sim objects act exactly the same. I try to prevent it a bit with LODs, but it won’t be perfect. Maybe the DX12 will fix it someday.

Why can’t I see obstacle lights from the distance? / Why there is a visible light but not on top of the antenna?
For now, MSFS SDK for lights is very limited. I can’t create a light that will have a source visible from a distance. On the other hand, I can’t remove those red, clearly visible lights that Asobo has put in place of antennas. As soon as they expand SDK, I’ll fix that.

Hey, that mast next to my house is not in your mod. Why?
I use OpenStreetMap data and they are not perfect. Sometimes they lack proper tags and I can’t tell if it is an antenna or a flag pole. Sometimes there is no object where there should be one. When the first final version is released, I will show how everyone can add their own data and it should be available for the next update.

*Not really AI. Just quite complex conditions, but AI sounds a lot better.
**Depends on data availability.

Author: PuffinFlight

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How to install this mod (Full installation guide)

  1. Download the mod (ModsHost download guide).
  2. Find the Community folder on your computer
    • Windows – C:/Users/[Computer Name]/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/Packages/Community
    • Steam – C:/Users/[Computer Name]/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightDashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/Packages/Community
  3. Copy the downloaded file to your Community folder like this: /Community/[MOD FOLDER]/[MOD FILES]
  4. Launch the game and enjoy your mod!

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