Download WE Love VFR – Region 2 V0.7.0 MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod

MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod: WE Love VFR – Region 2 V0.7.0 (Featured)
MSFS 2020 Scenery Mod: WE Love VFR – Region 2 V0.7.0

Do you like flying VFR and watching the World below you? Do you sometimes feel that something is missing? We Love VFR is here to help you. We Love VFR is a free add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator that adds thousands of new VFR-friendly objects. In this beta version, you get communication, radio, and tv antennas, chimneys, radar domes, construction cranes, and satellite / radio telescope dishes. I have plans for many, many more.

I spend countless hours developing this, so donations are very appreciated, but not mandatory.

If you don’t like smoke effects, or they somehow kill your fps, first of all, report it here or on discord, but then you can download “no effects” version of this add-on.

Note to creators: Because of ToS BS (so many abbreviations!), and me modifying files with every update I’ve removed consent on using my assets in other add-ons. This doesn’t mean I don’t want you to use them! Just contact me and I will provide you with source files and assistance. I’ll try to prepare the separate library soon, to make everything compatible forever (I must change ALL GUIDs in one region for compatibility reasons, so it may break some sceneries).

  • Almost 200 000 objects were placed in Region 2
  • Coverage of North and South America and part of Oceania
  • In this version, mobile communication, tv and radio antennas, chimneys, flare stacks, cooling towers, radar domes, construction cranes, satellite/radio telescope dishes, large and mountain peak crosses, and T.A.R.S. Tethered Aerostat Radar System
  • Probably the first use of visual effects in scenery add-on. Yup, we have smoking chimneys and cooling towers (still experimental). And yes, they do react to wind and even temperature.
  • Puffin AI* correct placement and appearance of objects**
  • Incorporated data from FAA, NOAA, and other national authorities
  • Over 100 custom models
  • Lower spec PC friendly
  • Much more planned

How To Install?
Find your „Community” directory and just copy “a-puf-we-love-vfr-region2” folder there. That’s it. If you’re updating my addon, remove the old version before installing the new one.

If you have a conflicting addon refer to the included ReadMe file.

Warning: If you want to see satellite dishes / radio telescopes you need to install “World Update USA – Points of Interest” and “Australia World Update – Points of Interest”. Those are free add-ons by creators of MSFS and should be available in Marketplace in the sim.

I’m working on this alone and data in this region is far from perfect, so don’t be mad if you see any errors, just report them to me so I can fix them. If you see an object that you know but its appearance is wrong, join our discord and report it there. I’ll try to add/fix it for the next version.

Known Issues:

  • In very rare cases there might be an office building instead of a chimney (I don’t mean cooling towers, these are not implemented in the mod at all… yet). This is a case of mismatched data between Asobo and OSM and has to be fixed manually. Report it in comments or in our discord.
  • My objects are switched off on photogrammetry to avoid conflicts (except mast and antennas). Unfortunately, photogrammetry boundaries are sometimes different than real photogrammetry coverage. Because of that, objects that are close to photogrammetry areas might not appear at all. I’m trying to figure out what to do with this. If you find a place like this, report it to me so I can fix it.

*Not really AI. Just quite complex conditions and a lot of code, but AI sounds a lot better.
**Depends on data availability.

Recent Changelog for 0.7.0

  • 2 new chimney models
  • reworked chimney generating algorithm
  • verified all objects parallel to runways (around 10 000)
  • compatibility with the latest World Updates
  • better handling of additional data
  • a bigger variety of construction cranes
  • final optimization of construction crane models
  • many more small tweaks and upgrades
  • update data and implemented user requests

Author: PuffinFlight

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How to install this mod (Full installation guide)

  1. Download the mod (ModsHost download guide).
  2. Find the Community folder on your computer
    • Windows – C:/Users/[Computer Name]/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/Packages/Community
    • Steam – C:/Users/[Computer Name]/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightDashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/Packages/Community
  3. Copy the downloaded file to your Community folder like this: /Community/[MOD FOLDER]/[MOD FILES]
  4. Launch the game and enjoy your mod!

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