Hello everyone! My first job, which I did for almost a year. I did it for myself, I decided to share it with you. The card is suitable for a mono drive. Prerequisites for creating a map: put 3 games into one. And there are elements of the farm – fields and a collective farm, and the elements are in the form of interesting bases, ATP.
Locations On The Map:
✔ The village where you start from. Wake up early in the morning, make your bed, warm up your Oise and head to base for your cargo mate;
✔ Quarry;
✔ Farmer’s base;
✔ Construction site locations;
✔ felling;
✔ Other.
Added a railway road to the map, a working diesel locomotive with its own sounds. Also, the map has its own cargo, which you can transport at your own discretion and imagination. The map is best played using developer elements. There are many objects on the map, so the archive has such a weight. All pleasant pokatushek! I think you will like it.
Author: Dobro32
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