Turtleneck Half Sleeve Crop & Suspender Shorts – SET342
8 Swatches Compatible with HQ mod Works with all of skins Custom Thumbnail New Mesh All Lods All Maps Teen to Elder For; Female Recoloring Allowed: Yes
8 Swatches Compatible with HQ mod Works with all of skins Custom Thumbnail New Mesh All Lods All Maps Teen to Elder For; Female Recoloring Allowed: Yes
White shirt and shorts with suspenders in 12 colors for toddlers Type: Outfits
Ribbed Crop Top w/ detached sleeves New Mesh HQ Texture Female | Teen – Elders 13 Swatches Type: Tops Ribbed Short Skirt New Mesh HQ Texture Female | Teen – Elders 13 Swatches Type: Bottoms
New Mesh ALL Lods 12 Swatches Normal MAP Type: Outfits Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 18k
Suspended skirt and floral blouse in 9 colors Type: Outfits Recoloring Allowed: Yes – Do not include mesh Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 11095 Polycount LOD 1: 6728 Polycount LOD 2: 3432 Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 2808
All lods Hat compatible 15 ea swatches BGC Origin of Mesh: Edited EA mesh Recoloring Allowed: Yes – Do not include mesh Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 7096 Polycount LOD 1: 3490 Polycount LOD 2: 1744 Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 872
Mens formal suit with suspenders. It has 16 samples. Location: full suit Cloning object: Game base. Type: Outfits Recoloring Allowed: No Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 26087 Polycount LOD 1: 24644 Polycount LOD 2: 13178 Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 2330 Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
A groom suit with suspenders. Your groom will be elegant in a simple and natural-looking suit. You can wear suits with a white shirt for the groom and the others for the guests. Type: Outfits
Have you ever wanted to buy a single Juice Fizz without going to the trouble of firing up the (decidedly modern-looking) Fizz station? Well, you’re in luck! I took the decorative cask from Horse Ranch and added a PurchasePicker interaction. Each bottle costs §20 (§10 if you have the Affizzianado trait, or §0 if you …
Lowers the chance of gaining all fears to 5% Sims will still gain new fears and it will not hide the traits, moodlets, whims, and interactions of sims with existing fears. Does not affect wants. Download the Individual Fears zip and use the files for just the fears bugging you or Download the All Fears …