King of the Hammers: Wide twisted, rocky, muddy, mayhem at its best. Are you the King?
Wide Track: Classic wide track with banked corners, table tops, and rhythm sections.
Snake Run: Tight winding curves glide across the surface of this desert land. This one is a rollercoaster.
Trials: This Trials track requires stamina and patience. It WILL punish your ride. I would recommend a short wheelbase and a set of brass nuts. You might not be ready for this one.
Baja Track: Open flowing track across the landscape. Banked corners and wide vistas await.
Vehicle Recoveries: The vehicle recovery business is booming around here. Once you get a taste for some of the challenges on this map you’ll understand why. Hopefully your vehicle won’t be on the recovery list.
Rock Crawling: Crawl the numerous rock canyons as you explore the lower basin. Keep your eyes open for rock arches, cross them if you can.
Objectives: This land holds many secrets. We start to explore a few of them in Stage 1. Look for more in the future.
Authors: pix3lmonkey
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