ATS Camera Mods

Get the best ATS camera mods and explore the endless possibilities for your game. Download all your favorite American Truck Simulator camera mods in a free, easy-to-use website. We know what you want and we're going to give it to you!

ATS Camera Mod: Rotating Roof Camera V2 (Featured)

Rotating Roof Camera V2

Rotating Roof Camera V2 by SCS, John Wolf for ATS. Simple mod that allows you to rotate the roof camera the same way as the interior camera. What’s New In V2. Mod has a rating of 5.0 stars with 1 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 345 KB in size.

ATS Camera Mod: Hood/Dash Camera for ALL Trucks 1.50 (Featured)

Hood/Dash Camera for ALL Trucks [1.50]

Hood/Dash Camera for ALL Trucks [1.50] by Aegle is compatible with ATS 1.50. This mod replaces the wheel cam with the hood / dash cam. It contains custom camera position for every scs truck, but basic wheel cam file is also included, so it will work with any truck. Mod has a rating of 2.8 stars with 5 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 62 KB in size.

1.6K  Download
ATS Kenworth Part Mod: W900 Digital Mirrors + Reverse Camera V6.0 1.49 (Featured)

Kenworth W900 Digital Mirrors + Reverse Camera V6.0 [1.49]

Kenworth W900 Digital Mirrors + Reverse Camera V6.0 [1.49] by Papa Smurf is compatible with ATS 1.49. The mod includes Two sets of electronic mirrors. One set of standard mirrors and the other with a monitor built-in instead of GPS. Mod has a rating of 4.9 stars with 9 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 322 KB in size.

3.1K  Download
ATS Camera Mod: Ultra Zoom Photography 1.49 (Featured)

Ultra Zoom Photography [1.49]

Ultra Zoom Photography [1.49] by RODONITCHO MODS is compatible with ATS 1.49. ULTRA ZOOM PHOTOGRAPHY ATS BY RODONITCHO MODS 1.0 Tested on 1.46 and 1.49 versions Game: American truck simulator. Mod has a rating of 4.8 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 11 KB in size.

ATS Camera Mod: Zoom for Camera Away 1.49 (Featured)

Zoom for Camera Away [1.49]

Zoom for Camera Away [1.49] by RODONITCHO MODS is compatible with ATS 1.49. ZOOM FOR CAMERA AWAY ATS BY RODONITCHO MODS 1.0 Tested on 1.40 and 1.49 version Game: American truck simulator. Mod has a rating of 4.9 stars with 8 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 13 KB in size.

1.6K  Download
ATS Camera Mod: Mod (Featured)

Camera Mod

Camera Mod by Hitman is compatible with ATS 1.48. What does This Mod do? Interior Camera It is possible to look below you (90° down), and above you (90° up). It is possible to look behind the driver’s seat (turn 180°). Mod has a rating of 4.1 stars with 5 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 146 KB in size.

1.2K  Download
ATS Camera Mod: Zoom For Camera Away 1.48 (Featured)

Zoom For Camera Away [1.48]

Zoom For Camera Away [1.48] by RODONITCHO MODS is compatible with ATS 1.48. ZOOM FOR CAMERA AWAY ATS BY RODONITCHO MODS 1.0 Tested on 1.40 and 1.48 versions. Mod has a rating of 4.2 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 168 KB in size.