Download Frankenmuth 25 FS25 Map Mod

FS25 Map Mod: Frankenmuth 25 (Featured)
FS25 Map Mod: Frankenmuth 25

Welcome to the Frankenmuth agricultural map. This map is a Michigan, United States style agricultural map near the town of Frankenmuth.

Originally created by TaylorFarms for FS22, it was adapted for FS25. There are a few omissions from the original, but there’s still plenty to keep you occupied!

The map has 41 small to large fields. There are 2 small forest areas for felling wood on the map. There are several sales points, production facilities and a train.
No BGA available. The terrain on the map is mostly flat with some hills, valleys, and ditches.
This is the first version, the log files are clean but there may be a few items here and there.

Authors: TaylorFarms, geeman72

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How to install this mod (Full installation guide)

  1. Download the mod (ModsHost download guide).
  2. Find the mods folder on your computer
    • Windows – /Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods
    • Mac OS – /Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2025/mods
  3. Copy the downloaded file to your Mods folder
  4. Launch the game and enjoy your mod!

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