Download HKH Mod Helper V7.25 Grand Theft Auto V Script

GTA 5 Script Mod: HKH Mod Helper V7.25 (Featured)
GTA 5 Script Mod: HKH Mod Helper V7.25

A mod Helper that quite a few of my mods use, mainly parts of mods that are used over and over, to make it more simple to edit combined these parts into one mod


HKHModHelper.dll is used for my mods that REQUIRE NativeUI

HKHModHelperNew.dll is used for my mods that REQUIRE LemonUI

as a general rule of thumb its best to put both into scripts

1) if you have mods of mine that use NativeUI put HKHModHelper.dll in scripts
2) if you have mods of mine that use LemonUI put HKHModHelperNew.dll in scripts
3) if you have mods of mine that use LemonUI OR NativeUI put HKHModHelper folder in scripts

Popular Mod! More than 3390 downloads in total!

Author: HKH191

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