Replayeable Rayfire Scenes allows you to simply replay rayfire scenes in the game, from a contact in your phone, so what is a rayfire scene? a rayfire scene is basically a map animation, the cargoship exploding, pulling the silthouse off the cliff, the O’neil farm exploding, the train collission on the bridge
Please note a few of the scenes included in 1.0, dont seem to play, no idea why!
1. download and Install scripthookv + Scripthookvdotnet
2. create a scripts folder (named scripts and not Scripts) if you havent got one already
3. drag ReplayableRayfireScenes.dll, ReplayableRayfireScenes.pdb into script
4. install ifruitaddon2 int scripts folder
7. Install LemonUI for SHVDN3, drag the contents of the SHVDN3 folder from into scripts
8. launch game and access the Rayfire Scenes contact to play a rayfire scene
Author: HKH191
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