Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Mods

Get the best RDR2 player and explore the endless possibilities for your game. Download all your favorite Red Dead Redemption 2 player mods in a free, easy-to-use website. We know what you want and we're going to give it to you!

RDR2 Player Mod: Misterfunnyguy’s Suits Boutique V1.5 (Featured)

Misterfunnyguy’s Suits Boutique V1.5

Misterfunnyguy’s Suits Boutique V1.5 by MisterFunnyGuy for RDR2. A variation of Late 19th – Early 20th Century high society suit styles to choose from, grey, black, pinstripe, and a special edition of the Wittemore suit. Mod has a rating of 4.7 stars with 3 votes.
We host 5 files for this mod. We confirm that the files are safe to download. The total downloadable files are 17 MB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: John Marston – 1911 V1.1 (Featured)

John Marston – 1911 V1.1

John Marston – 1911 V1.1 by GuiCORLEONEx794 for RDR2. Replaces epilogue John’s textures with his RDR1 textures, except more high quality. This mod gives epilogue John Marston the RDR1 textures but edited to match John’s RDR2 model and the game’s color tone. Mod has a rating of 3.9 stars with 5 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 50 MB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: The Classic Cowboy – RDR1 Accurate Cowboy Outfit For John Marston V2.7 (Featured)

The Classic Cowboy – RDR1 Accurate Cowboy Outfit For John Marston V2.7

The Classic Cowboy – RDR1 Accurate Cowboy Outfit For John Marston V2.7 by GuiCORLEONEx794 for RDR2. Makes the Cowboy Outfit more accurate to Red Dead Redemption’s Cowboy Outfit. A mod that changes some of the textures and models of the cowboy outfit, making it more accurate to the Red Dead Redemption Cowboy outfit. Mod has a rating of 2.4 stars with 4 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 80 MB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: John And Arthur GET Tattoos (Featured)

John And Arthur GET Tattoos

John And Arthur GET Tattoos by DrownJrDrown for RDR2. In 1891, tattooing was transformed when Samuel O’Reily got a patent pending for an early design of a tattoo machine, which caused the practice of tattooing to blossom.and so in 1899 arthur morgan and john marston got tatted up. Mod has a rating of 3.0 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. The total downloadable file is 599 MB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: CUT Dialogue Enhanced (Featured)

CUT Dialogue Enhanced

CUT Dialogue Enhanced by roastedflamingo for RDR2. It restores all the Combat taunts and lines not included in that mod like Dialogue for buying items, starting a Fight, getting a bullet that almost hit your Character, Winning a fight, buying Clothes, etc. Mod has a rating of 4.0 stars with 3 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 65 KB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: Jako’S Gunbelt Assortment (Featured)

Jako’S Gunbelt Assortment

Jako’S Gunbelt Assortment by Jakopay for RDR2. Unique mod that adds 21 NPC gunbelts of different types and colors to Eastern Epic Extras or the EEE + WhyEm + GFA merge Jako’s Gunbelt Assortment version 1.0 adds 21 gunbelts + 1 holster (To be fixed) under the. Mod has a rating of 3.5 stars with 2 votes.
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 949 KB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: John Beta Head And Hair (Featured)

John Beta Head And Hair

John Beta Head And Hair by MikeyAustin77 for RDR2. Requirements Lennys mod loader this a mod that changes john's hair and head to the beta ones that were in the flies
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 1 MB in size.

RDR2 Player Mod: The Undead Cowboy (Featured)

The Undead Cowboy

The Undead Cowboy by TheHeisenbussies5 for RDR2. The Undead Cowboy from Undead Nightmare recreated to near perfection using the original textures, animations, and a couple of outfits
We host 1 file for this mod. We confirm that the file is safe to download. The total downloadable file is 267 MB in size.